About YPM

What is YPM?

Youth Parliament of Manitoba (YPM) is the longest consecutively-running youth parliament in Canada, having held sessions since 1922. We are a non-partisan, non-denominational, and incorporated registered charity.

Our mission is to foster amongst the youth of Manitoba an understanding of, interest in, and engagement with the Canadian democratic parliamentary process that would enable their active participation in society as responsible citizens. In so doing, YPM strives to encourage the growth of the individual and their abilities through their exposure to a diversity of ideas and perspectives and the fellowship of their peers.

What We Do

Every year, YPM holds a model parliamentary session at the Manitoba Legislative Building. This event, called Session, takes place overnight between December 26-31. All Manitoban youth aged 16-20 are invited to sit as members at Session, where they will be taking part in stimulating debate on a broad range of issues relevant to youth. Members will have the opportunity to voice their opinions concerning the proposed legislation and develop amendments to improve them.

Session is not only for students interested in politics or debating; it’s for all young people who want to improve their public speaking, meet other people their age from across the province, and much more! Even if you know nothing about politics or the parliamentary process, Session is a great way for you to take the first step towards being an engaged, informed citizen.

Who We Are

YPM is run according to our motto, By Youth, For Youth. The organization is run by five elected members of our board of directors, who are all between the ages of 18 and 25 and are directly elected by and from the membership.

The success of Session is also contingent on YPM’s Cabinet, our organizing committee. Cabinet consists of around 20 members named by the Executive. Their duties span all aspects of running Session, from food preparation, to public relations, to drafting the legislation to be debated.

Members of YPM come from all corners of the province. All youth between 16-20 are eligible to register as members. YPM does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sex, sexual orientation, ability, financial status, religion, or ideological beliefs.

Our Crest

The current crest, also serving as the organization’s official logo, was redesigned for the 96th Session. This new design was created by Madeline Metcalfe (90th to 94th Sessions). The mace, which has become a recognizable symbol of YPM, sits at the top of the crest and represents our connection to Westminster Parliamentary Democracy. The polar bear and bison, together with the crocus (Manitoba’s official flower), represent our connection to the land which we inhabit. The wheat serves to represent the historical role of agriculture in Manitoba’s history and economy, as well as echo the Golden Boy on top of the Manitoba Legislature. The Golden Boy is itself a symbol of youthfulness, optimism, and prosperity. Thus, our crest represents the traditions our Parliament rests upon and the northern and southern reaches of our province coming together.


NameFile Size
2018 Year-in-Review16 MB
2019 Year-in-Review10 MB
2020 Year-in-Review2 MB
2021 Year-in-Review8 MB
2022 Year-in-Review0.6 MB