Board and Cabinet

The Executive

Youth Parliament of Manitoba Inc. is governed by a five-person board of directors, also known as the Executive. Each person is elected for a one-year term by the membership on the last day of Session. All directors are volunteers between the ages of 18 and 25.

The Executive is responsible for the administrative maintenance of YPM, such as renewing its charitable and corporation status, managing the endowment fund, running the website, and so on. There is no overhead supervision external to YPM’s board.

Premier – Xiao Zhang

Xiao first joined YPM as the member from La Prairie in the 98th Session. He joined Cabinet in the 99th Session as the Minister of Supply and Service, and then presented the Online Video Game Regulation Act as the Minister of Revenue in the 100th Session.

Xiao graduated from Westgate Mennonite Collegiate and is currently studying Computer Science and Biochemistry at the University of Winnipeg. He has a passion for scientific research and hopes to incorporate modern technology into the healthcare field. In his free time, he enjoys exploring nature and playing sports with friends. Whenever he’s not outdoors, he is probably tinkering around with his robotics projects and spending time with family.

As the Premier, Xiao serves as the Chairperson of the organization. The Premier’s responsibilities include overseeing YPM’s strategic direction, leading the planning of Session, and presiding over meetings of the Executive, Cabinet, and general membership.

Speaker – Josephine Zhao

Josephine joined the Youth Parliament of Manitoba in 2018. She began as a Backbencher in the 97th Session and served recently as the Minister of Labour, before being elected to the Executive in 2021. After graduating from Fort Richmond Collegiate, she began her studies of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manitoba. Josephine enjoys her time working in aerospace research and development at the university.

Josephine loves astronomy, reading (especially sci-fi and fantasy books), and is a big fan of an array of different music genres. Send her book recommendations, or any type of media that has a good storyline.

As Speaker, Josephine serves as the Past Chairperson. The Speaker’s responsibilities include maintaining relationships with YPM’s alumni network, facilitating the bill-writing process, and presiding over sittings and debate at Session.

Deputy Speaker – Charlize Medina

Charlize joined YPM in the 97th Session as the Member from Trinity. She served four years on Cabinet as the P.S. to Human Resources, Minister of Publications, and Registrar General before being elected to the Executive in 2023. During her time on Cabinet, she presented two bills – the Community Service Act, and the Cashless Society Act.

Charlize graduated from Sisler High School in 2020 and is currently studying Political Science at the University of Toronto. She has served as an executive member for several student-run organizations and enjoys volunteering her time to the community. She is also passionate about the arts and takes pleasure in visiting museums and galleries.

As Deputy Speaker, Charlize serves as the Director of Finance. The Deputy Speaker’s responsibilities include overseeing YPM’s financial standing, creating and managing a budget, and managing scholarships that YPM offers.

Deputy Premier – Madison Jones

Madison first joined YPM as the member from Québec in the 100th Session. He joined Cabinet in the 101st Session as the Minister of Supply and Service, subsequently presenting the Affordable Housing Supply Act as the Minister of Revenue in the 102nd Session.

Madison is currently studying Computer Science and Statistics at the University of Manitoba. With a deep passion for entrepreneurship and problem solving, he aims to utilize his education to develop technological solutions for complex challenges in both business and daily life. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends and family, exploring new places and nature, and listening to music.

As Deputy Premier, Madison serves as the Vice-Chairperson. The Deputy Premier’s responsibilities include overseeing YPM’s recruitment strategy, external relations, and communications strategy; and managing the registration framework for Session.

House Leader – Jourmae Abengoza

Jourmae began her YPM career in the 99th Session as the Member from Abbotsford. She then served three years on Cabinet as the P.S to External Affairs, Minister of Public Relations and Minister of Human Resources where she presented the Child-Friendly Operating Systems Act before being elected to the Executive.

Jourmae graduated from Sisler High School in 2021 and is currently double majoring in International Studies and History at the Université de Saint-Boniface. Her passion lies in foreign policy and she hopes to eventually pursue diplomacy. She is also a proud francophile who believes in the value of advocating for bilingualism. During her free time, Jourmae enjoys reading classical literature, travelling around the world, baking sweet pastries and discovering new music.

As House Leader, Jourmae serves as the Director of Procedures. The House Leader’s responsibilities include overseeing logistical planning and creating the schedule for Session.

The Cabinet

Cabinet is YPM’s volunteer organizing committee. Members of the previous year’s Session are eligible to apply for Cabinet.

Portfolios on Cabinet range from managing our social media, designing and marketing our merchandise, scheduling clerks and pages for Session, writing Session’s daily newspaper, and more!

Three Cabinet ministers, also known as bill-presenting ministers, write the legislation debated at Session.

Bill-Presenting Ministers
  • Rowan Hildebrand
  • Lien Huynh
  • Matthew Sévigny

Team Deputy Speaker

  • Ministry of Revenue: Adam Katz
  • Ministry of Alumni Affairs: Sarah Fontaine-Sinclair & Edwin Mugisha Kayonga
  • Ministry of Defence: Aiden Peters
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs: Annette Colbert & Cassidy Wolfe
  • Ministry of Supply and Service: Julian McArthur & Inti Nemoga Stout

Team Deputy Premier

  • Registrar General: Rowan Hildebrand
  • Ministry of Human Resources: Trinity Sperling & Emily Jade Mann
  • Ministry of Communications: Clyron Elijah Hernandez
  • Ministry of External Affairs: Miles Kwoczynska-Brown & Bisman Randhawa
  • Ministry of Public Relations: Lien Huynh & Mai-Anh Huynh

Team House Leader

  • Ministry of Government Services: Matthew Sévigny
  • Ministry of Labour: Hawa Bangura & Eddy Paez
  • Ministry of Publications: Maxcyn Gualdrapa & Kristine-Claire Bolisay
  • Armstrong Whip: Chigoziri Samuel Okpanku
  • Thompson Whip: Sifa Kagondu