Volunteer to Page
The Page Program is an exciting opportunity for those who are not yet 16, but would still like to take part in Session! The role of the page is as old as Parliament itself. Traditionally, pages collect and deliver documents and messages from the Speaker, Members of the Legislative Assembly, clerks in the Chamber, and elsewhere in the Legislative Building.
YPM’s pages facilitate Session in a similar way. Their duties include delivering messages between members, the Speaker, and the clerk.
They also act as the Sergeant-at-Arms. One of the main duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms is the care and custody of the Mace. Before each sitting, the Sergeant-at-Arms leads the Speaker and the clerk into the Legislative Chamber. They carry the Mace on their shoulder, then place it on the pillow on the Clerk’s Table, where it remains throughout the sitting as a symbol of the Assembly’s authority. The Sergeant-at-Arms places the Mace into its various positions to signify to the house whether it is in recess or in/out of session.
Registration for paging is now open! To sign up, fill out our Page Registration form. If you have any questions regarding the page program, please contact whips@ypmanitoba.ca.
If you would like to receive updates on the page program (e.g. registration information), please contact us to be added to our page mailing list.